Professional Chaplain Organizations

Within the word of Chaplaincy, as previously discussed on this website resource, there are many types of Chaplains serving in a variety of roles.  Just like there many specialties with medicine (internal medicine, family practice, surgeon, trauma surgeon, thoracic surgeon, etc.), so there are many types of chaplains.  Each specialty has similar roles, but training and skill sets will differ, depending on the environment in which the Chaplain will serve. 

Here is a list of some of the Professional Chaplain Organizations.  These organizations listed are the approved list of Professional Chaplain Organizations endorsed and recommended by the OCCI Office of Chaplains[1]:

Chaplains interested in Healthcare ChaplaincyFirst Responder ChaplaincyNursing ChaplaincySocial Work Chaplaincy and Military Chaplaincy should consider joining the following Professional Chaplain Organization:

SCA – Spiritual Care Association – First Responder Chaplain Division (FRCD)

Chaplains interested in Hospital Chaplaincy, Palliative Care Chaplaincy, Trauma Center Chaplaincy should consider joining one or more of the following Professional Chaplain Organizations:

Priests, Permanent Deacons, and Transitional Deacons interested in Law Enforcement Chaplaincy, Fire Department Chaplaincy, Crisis Intervention Chaplaincy, State and Federal Correctional Facility Chaplains Disaster Response Chaplaincy should consider joining one of the following Professional Chaplain Organizations:

Priests, Permanent Deacons, and Transitional Deacons interested in serving in Military Chaplaincy should consider joining one of the Chaplain Corps for our Armed Forces:

“State defense forces (SDF; also known as state militarystate guardsstate militias, or state military reserves) in the United States” [source: Wikipedia]

  • State defense forces (SDF) are often trained and utilitzed to backfill National Guard responsiblities domestically withn a state if the National Guard is deployed overseas.   State Militia serve only domestically within their respective state and are called up in time of local disasters, serving in honor guards, and many other duties.  Check your local state for more information.   One example is the Indiana Guard Reserve noted below.

Chaplains interested in Corporate Chaplaincy should consider joining one or more of the following Professional Chaplain Organizations: