Very Rev Jeff Wolfe, OSFoc
Vicar General
Fr Jeff Wolfe, OSFoc is an ordained Catholic Priest and a Franciscan Friar in the Old Catholic Church and currently appointed to the Diocese of the Epiphany in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Fr Jeff is an Adjunct Professor at the SCA University of Theology and Spirituality with offices both In Tacoma, Washington and New York, NY.
In August of 2015, Fr Jeff was appointed as a Sworn Law Enforcement Chaplain with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) by then Chief of Police, Richard Hite
In August 2017, Fr Jeff served as Training Coordinator for new IMPD Chaplain Candidates. He developed and established the first IMPD Chaplain Academy in September 2017. It consisted of a 11 week in class course curriculum followed by a 4-6 month Field Training Program for the IMPD Chaplain Academy.
Fr Jeff is a Graduate of the Indianapolis Public Safety Foundation’s Citizens’ Academy, a member of the Indianapolis Public Safety Alliance, and a Member of the Indianapolis (Indy – Marion County) CERT Team (Community Emergency Response Team), a program of the Indiana Division of Homeland Security, and a member of the Indiana State Chaplain Coordinated Response (ISCCR) Advisory Council (Statewide Chaplain Disaster Response). Fr Jeff serves on the “Special Populations” Disaster Prep Team as Liaison to the LGBTQ Community throughout the state of Indiana, and is trained Instructor in Critical Incident Stress Management and Critical Incident Stress Debrief and PscyhoTraumatology.
Fr Jeff is also a Team Member of the Indiana State Chaplain Coordinated Response (ISCCR) Advisory Council (Statewide Chaplain Disaster Response). Fr Jeff serves on the “Special Populations” Disaster Prep Team as Liaison to the LGBTQ Community throughout the state of Indiana. Fr Jeff has completed all 12 courses required for Basic Chaplain Credential through the International Conference of Police Chaplains, is a Professional Member of the Spiritual Care Association‘s Division of First Responder Chaplains, and a Contributing Editor and Writer for ChaplainUSA.org. Fr Jeff also serves as a Chaplain and is a member of the Chaplain Corps for the Indiana Guard Reserves.
To learn more about Fr Jeff, go to http://about.me/frjeff