Message from the Presiding Bishop

My brothers and sisters,

We have no greater calling as clergy and chaplains than to minister to those who are in most need of our assistance. We are called, like the Good Samaritan, to set aside all our own struggles and ideology in order to be an effective helper to those in need.

Being a Chaplain is a unique calling. In order to be a good Chaplain, you must be willing to minister to those who are not of your own faith practice while honoring theirs. You must be willing to set aside the feeling that you must convert people to your way of thinking or your faith of choice. You must be willing to minister or not minister to them in the way that brings them comfort. After all, you are there to help them, not to help yourself.

You may feel that you are called to serve as a Chaplain, but find that you are not suited for this task. If this is the case, we will help you find that ministry that you are best suited for. If you do find that you are suited for this work, we will do our best to equip you with the tools necessary to do the work set before you.

And be mindful that I and those appointed to this unique ministry, will be there to help you every step of the way. Not just as you train, but also as you minister day by day.

May God continue to richly bless you and all those you come in contact with.

Bishop Gregory (Greer) Godsey, OSFoc